How to Make Homemade Laundry Detergent in Miami

July 12, 2022 | Categories: Laundry Hacks

How to Make Homemade Laundry Detergent in Miami

Interested in making your own DIY homemade laundry soap? There are many DIY laundry detergent recipes on the internet today, but which ones are best? Making your own homemade laundry detergent allows you to control the ingredients used and create family-friendly, safe formulations. In fact, by making your powder detergent or liquid detergent yourself, you can create more eco-friendly laundry detergent options. Plus, you will be able to save money with basic ingredients and easy-to-follow recipes that we’ll outline here:


● Rubber gloves

● Box grater

● Measuring cup


● Washing soda

● Borax

● Container with a lid

● A pure, full bar of soap (you can use Fels-Naptha soap)

  Our DIY Laundry Detergent Recipe

  1.   Step One

Grate your pure, full bar of soap with the box grater. If you intend to make a large quantity of laundry detergent, you may want to use an additional bar of Fels-Naptha soap.

  1.   Step Two

After grating the bar of soap, add two parts of washing soda and two parts of borax. Then, add them to your storage container and seal the lid.

  1.   Step Three

Use your special soap to wash your laundry. The ingredients contained here will cleanse your laundry safely. Add one tablespoon to your load and begin your wash cycle. Be sure to store your DIY laundry detergent out of the reach of any children and pets.

  Laundry Detergent Recipes *Tips*

● After making your homemade laundry detergent, remember to discard the solution if it begins to cake up. When and if this happens, it’s time for you to make a new batch. As long as you keep your soap in a sealed container away from moisture, it is unlikely to go bad.

● Some people will add their favorite natural essential oils into the mix to add desired scents to their DIY laundry detergent recipes. If you want your recipe to be slightly stronger, you could add a very small extra amount of borax, but don’t change the recipe too much if you want to maintain its cleaning action.

● It’s important to note, that cold water does not activate the homemade detergent’s ingredients like warm or hot water will.

Now that you have your DIY recipe for homemade laundry detergent soaps, you can use it for any of your wash loads. Compatible with toploading machines, front load, or other types of washers, this soap will work the same as any store-bought products (if done correctly). While DIY powder laundry detergent or DIY liquid laundry soap won’t contain the stain-removing or whitening properties that commercial laundry detergents do, they can and will clean your clothes. Commercial liquid laundry detergent or wholesale laundry detergent is more costly than homemade laundry detergent, so you can expect your homemade soap to stretch further even if it doesn’t have the same stain-fighting potential.

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