Coin Operated vs. Card Operated Commercial Laundry Equipment

April 4, 2014 | Categories: Laundry Equipment

Commercial Laundry EquipmentThe coin-operated laundry industry has undergone a transformation in the past few years. Laundry operations are going high-tech with new affordable software and hardware systems.

The traditional coin operated systems are being replaced with card operated systems that involves swiping cards that deduct the cost of a wash or dry cycle, much like a phone card or debit card.

Card operated laundry equipment offers significant improvements over coin operated machines. For the customer, the need to carry or have large amounts of quarters is eliminated. And there are no more worries about foreign coins or coin jams that render a machine inoperable, thus providing easer operation and greater customer satisfaction. Creating a cashless solution also reduces theft and vandalism.

Smart card systems are secure, convenient, flexible and refillable any time. Similar to an ATM, money can be added to the card via cash, charge cards or both – depending on the type of VTM/card system installed.

Smart card technology provides many benefits, including convenience – no more coin hassles; improved revenues by allowing smaller, more frequent vend increases; regulation of peak time usage with premium pricing; elimination of service calls for jammed coin slides; and elimination of theft from coin boxes.

Commercial Laundries installs both coin and card operated systems, and we will work with our customers to customize the most efficient and economical solutions for their properties.

To learn more about coin operated vs. card operated commercial washing machines, call Commercial Laundries at 305-592-7990.

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