5 Tips for Social Distance Practices in Your Multi-Family Laundry Room

Social Distance Practices in Your Multi-Family Laundry Room

Keeping your residents safe and promoting social distance practices in your multi-family laundry room is easily done with a few adjustments.

As an owner or manager of a multi-family property, we know how imperative it is to keep your essential laundry facility accessible and safe for all your tenants and staff.  You want to make your residents feel safe doing laundry and comfortable in their own homes.  With just a few tips on social distance practices in your multi-family laundry room, you will create a more sanitary and efficient environment for everyone.

Safe Practices and Social Distance Tips in Laundry Facilities

  1. Minimalize your Space

First, there are many things in your laundry room that are not vital to doing laundry.  Remove vending machines, tables, chairs, waiting areas, and decorative structures.  Maximizing the room will give more room to move about and allow for more space between tenants and their neighbors to make residents feel safe doing laundry.  Place vending machines outside of the laundry room in a well-ventilated hallway to reduce contact.  Taking away tables and chairs will keep residents from waiting and encourage them to take their laundry to their apartment to be folded.  Less physical items mean less cleaning, dusting, and sanitizing, allowing your staff to focus on the important things that need it.

  1. Get Everyone Involved

Provide cleaning products and sanitizer around your facility to stimulate handwashing and resident participation in cleaning.  Place friendly reminders around the laundry room encouraging the wiping down of machines before and after use.  Promote social distance tips in laundry facilities for your residents and remind them that we are all in this together and we must all do our part to protect ourselves and our neighbors.

  1. Establish and Maintain a Cleaning Routine

Your staff must be on board and aware of the importance you place on keeping them and your residents safe.  Display a cleaning timesheet in your facility so everyone can see the last time the room was sanitized.  This will make residents feel safe doing laundry and ensure accountability.

  1. Offer Contactless Payment Options

Whichever payment system you currently have in your facility, be it coin or card-operated equipment, you can take your facility up a notch in safety and convenience with a mobile laundry payment app.  A laundry payment app can be installed on most machines, quickly and inexpensively.  This will allow residents to pay for their laundry with their smartphones and with limited contact.  It will also give you remote access to your facility and allow you to monitor profits, machines, and customer usage, all from the safety of your office or home.

  1. Use Mobile Laundry App to Promote Social Distance Practices in Your Multi-Family Laundry Facility

Through a laundry payment system, residents can use the mobile application to monitor their laundry cycle and find available machines from the comfort and safety of their apartment.  No more lingering around or running in to check on half-completed laundry.  This is one of the great social distance tips in laundry facilities that can solve many of your residents’ concerns.

Give Peace of Mind and Make Your Residents Feel Safe Doing Laundry

Promoting social distance practices in your multi-family laundry room is essential to keeping and making your residents feel safe doing laundry.  Here at Commercial Laundries Orlando, we can help you make these minor adjustments to your laundry facility while creating a big impact.  Let us come out to your facility and find out exactly what you need to install a laundry app on your machines and instill these social distance tips in your laundry facilities.

Give Commercial Laundries Orlando a call at, (407) 986-1410 to convert your laundry payment system quickly and affordably.


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