Commercial Laundry Equipment

December 31, 2014 | Categories: Commercial Washer and Dryers

Commercial Laundry EquipmentImagine a self-service laundry room filled with quality commercial laundry equipment from the most trusted brands in the industry. A wide variety of washer and dryer models greets your eyes: durable top load laundry machines providing reliable service, energy-efficient front load washers and dryers with sophisticated cycle options, and stack dryers offering powerful performance in a small space. Budgetary restrictions may have you thinking a laundry room solution like this is out of your reach, but with Commercial Laundries’ flexible purchasing and leasing options, a well-stocked self-service laundry room is more affordable than you ever thought possible!

Commercial Laundries’ large inventory of commercial laundry equipment is manufactured by the brand names you know and trust: Whirlpool, Maytag, and Speed Queen. You can buy with confidence, knowing that all of our washers and dryers are backed by warranties. Our new Maytag laundry equipment comes with a full 5 year warranty, and our new Speed Queen and Whirlpool washers and dryers carry 3 year warranties; even our preowned laundry equipment comes with a limited warranty.

All of Commercial Laundries’ commercial laundry machines are available with your choice of payment systems. If you choose our coin operated washers and dryers, the traditional option for self-service laundry rooms, you can enjoy the benefits offered by available tiered pricing; our system allows owners to maximize laundry room usage and revenue through price adjustments configured according to day, time of day, cycle, and other options.

For a more secure, advanced laundry payment system, you can choose Commercial Laundries’ smart card operated washers and dryers. Instead of the hassles engendered by a coin-based laundry system – the need to collect, count, and deposit coins, and the attendant security risks – you can enjoy the cashless convenience of a card-operated laundry system. Tenants will appreciate the convenience of paying for their laundry loads with just a swipe of their card as well as the clear audit trail this system provides. Smart card technology holds clear benefits for property owners, as well, as it allows you to implement small incremental price increases that tenants readily accept and includes a reporting functionality that lessens bookkeeping chores.

Commercial Laundries offers both new and used laundry equipment for sale, to make laundry room ownership a more affordable option for rental property owners. If you prefer to reserve your working capital for other expenses, we even have leasing options that make it possible for you to open a self-service laundry room with little or no upfront investment. If you enter into Commercial Laundries’ Standard Equipment Lease Agreement, we will deliver and install the machines at no cost to you; you  will be responsible for collecting the revenue and paying us a monthly lease payment for an agreed amount of time. With Commercial Laundries’ popular Laundry  Space Lease, we will fully equip your laundry room with commercial washers and dryers at no charge to you; repair the equipment at no cost to you; we collect the revenue generated and pay you an agreed upon rental pursuant to the terms of the Agreement.

As the largest family owned laundry equipment provider in South Florida, Commercial Laundries has the resources to provide rental property owners with everything they need to operate a successful self-service laundry room. Whether you need expert advice to help you choose the best location for your laundry room, skilled repair services to keep your commercial washers and dryers in good working order, or an arrangement that would free you from the day to day operations and collections of your machines, we can provide the  solutions you are looking for.

Contact Commercial Laundries today at 305-592-7990 for commercial laundry equipment options that make laundry room ownership affordable for all!

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